
Which Characteristic Below Is Shared By Plants, Fungi, And Animals?

Characteristics of Fungi

Fungi, latin for mushroom, are eukaryotes which are responsible for decomposition and nutrient cycling through the surround.

Learning Objectives

Describe the function of fungi in the ecosystem

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants.
  • Fungi are heterotrophic: they utilise complex organic compounds as sources of energy and carbon, non photosynthesis.
  • Fungi multiply either asexually, sexually, or both.
  • The majority of fungi produce spores, which are defined every bit haploid cells that can undergo mitosis to course multicellular, haploid individuals.
  • Fungi interact with other organisms by either forming benign or mutualistic associations (mycorrhizae and lichens ) or by causing serious infections.

Primal Terms

  • mycorrhiza: a symbiotic clan between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant
  • spore: a reproductive particle, usually a unmarried jail cell, released by a mucus, alga, or plant that may germinate into some other
  • lichen: any of many symbiotic organisms, being associations of fungi and algae; often plant as white or yellow patches on old walls, etc.
  • Ascomycota: a taxonomic division within the kingdom Fungi; those fungi that produce spores in a microscopic sporangium called an ascus
  • heterotrophic: organisms that apply circuitous organic compounds as sources of energy and carbon

Introduction to Fungi

The word mucus comes from the Latin word for mushrooms. Indeed, the familiar mushroom is a reproductive structure used by many types of fungi. However, at that place are besides many fungi species that don't produce mushrooms at all. Beingness eukaryotes, a typical fungal jail cell contains a true nucleus and many membrane-spring organelles. The kingdom Fungi includes an enormous variety of living organisms collectively referred to every bit Ascomycota, or true Fungi. While scientists take identified about 100,000 species of fungi, this is but a fraction of the 1.five million species of fungus probably present on earth. Edible mushrooms, yeasts, black mold, and the producer of the antibiotic penicillin, Penicillium notatum, are all members of the kingdom Fungi, which belongs to the domain Eukarya.


Examples of fungi: Many species of mucus produce the familiar mushroom (a) which is a reproductive construction. This (b) coral fungus displays brightly-colored fruiting bodies. This electron micrograph shows (c) the spore-bearing structures of Aspergillus, a blazon of toxic fungi found mostly in soil and plants.

Fungi, once considered found-like organisms, are more than closely related to animals than plants. Fungi are not capable of photosynthesis: they are heterotrophic because they use circuitous organic compounds as sources of energy and carbon. Some fungal organisms multiply only asexually, whereas others undergo both asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction with alternation of generations. Almost fungi produce a large number of spores, which are haploid cells that tin undergo mitosis to form multicellular, haploid individuals. Similar bacteria, fungi play an essential role in ecosystems considering they are decomposers and participate in the cycling of nutrients past breaking down organic and inorganic materials to simple molecules.

Fungi often interact with other organisms, forming beneficial or mutualistic associations. For case nigh terrestrial plants form symbiotic relationships with fungi. The roots of the institute connect with the cloak-and-dagger parts of the fungus forming mycorrhizae. Through mycorrhizae, the mucus and constitute substitution nutrients and h2o, greatly aiding the survival of both species Alternatively, lichens are an association between a fungus and its photosynthetic partner (unremarkably an alga). Fungi likewise crusade serious infections in plants and animals. For example, Dutch elm disease, which is caused past the mucus Ophiostoma ulmi, is a particularly devastating type of fungal infestation that destroys many native species of elm (Ulmus sp.) past infecting the tree'south vascular system. The elm bark beetle acts every bit a vector, transmitting the disease from tree to tree. Accidentally introduced in the 1900s, the fungus decimated elm copse across the continent. Many European and Asiatic elms are less susceptible to Dutch elm disease than American elms.

In humans, fungal infections are more often than not considered challenging to treat. Unlike bacteria, fungi do not respond to traditional antibiotic therapy considering they are eukaryotes. Fungal infections may testify deadly for individuals with compromised immune systems.

Fungi take many commercial applications. The food industry uses yeasts in blistering, brewing, and cheese and vino making. Many industrial compounds are byproducts of fungal fermentation. Fungi are the source of many commercial enzymes and antibiotics.

Fungi Cell Structure and Function

Fungi are unicellular or multicellular thick-cell-walled heterotroph decomposers that eat decaying matter and brand tangles of filaments.

Learning Objectives

Describe the physical structures associated with fungi

Fundamental Takeaways

Primal Points

  • Fungal cell walls are rigid and contain complex polysaccharides chosen chitin (adds structural strength) and glucans.
  • Ergosterol is the steroid molecule in the prison cell membranes that replaces the cholesterol found in fauna cell membranes.
  • Fungi tin be unicellular, multicellular, or dimorphic, which is when the fungi is unicellular or multicellular depending on environmental weather condition.
  • Fungi in the morphological vegetative stage consist of a tangle of slender, thread-similar hyphae, whereas the reproductive stage is usually more obvious.
  • Fungi like to exist in a moist and slightly acidic environment; they can grow with or without calorie-free or oxygen.
  • Fungi are saprophyte heterotrophs in that they use expressionless or decomposing organic matter as a source of carbon.

Primal Terms

  • glucan: any polysaccharide that is a polymer of glucose
  • ergosterol: the functional equivalent of cholesterol found in cell membranes of fungi and some protists, as well as, the steroid precursor of vitamin D2
  • mycelium: the vegetative part of any fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae, oft underground
  • hypha: a long, branching, filamentous structure of a fungus that is the main style of vegetative growth
  • septum: cell wall division between hyphae of a fungus
  • thallus: vegetative torso of a mucus
  • saprophyte: any organism that lives on dead organic thing, as sure fungi and bacteria
  • chitin: a complex polysaccharide, a polymer of Northward-acetylglucosamine, found in the exoskeletons of arthropods and in the jail cell walls of fungi; thought to exist responsible for some forms of asthma in humans

Cell Structure and Role

Fungi are eukaryotes and have a complex cellular organization. As eukaryotes, fungal cells incorporate a membrane-bound nucleus where the DNA is wrapped around histone proteins. A few types of fungi have structures comparable to bacterial plasmids (loops of DNA). Fungal cells also contain mitochondria and a circuitous system of internal membranes, including the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.

Unlike plant cells, fungal cells do not take chloroplasts or chlorophyll. Many fungi display brilliant colors arising from other cellular pigments, ranging from red to green to black. The poisonous Amanita muscaria (fly agaric) is recognizable by its vivid red cap with white patches. Pigments in fungi are associated with the jail cell wall. They play a protective function against ultraviolet radiations and can exist toxic.


The poisonous Amanita muscaria : The poisonous Amanita muscaria is native to temperate and boreal regions of North America.

The rigid layers of fungal prison cell walls contain circuitous polysaccharides called chitin and glucans. Chitin, too establish in the exoskeleton of insects, gives structural force to the prison cell walls of fungi. The wall protects the cell from desiccation and predators. Fungi have plasma membranes similar to other eukaryotes, except that the construction is stabilized by ergosterol: a steroid molecule that replaces the cholesterol found in animal jail cell membranes. Most members of the kingdom Fungi are nonmotile.


The vegetative trunk of a fungus is a unicellular or multicellular thallus. Dimorphic fungi can change from the unicellular to multicellular state depending on environmental conditions. Unicellular fungi are generally referred to as yeasts. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker'south yeast) and Candida species (the agents of thrush, a common fungal infection) are examples of unicellular fungi.


Example of a unicellular fungus: Candida albicans is a yeast cell and the agent of candidiasis and thrush. This organism has a similar morphology to coccus bacteria; nonetheless, yeast is a eukaryotic organism (note the nucleus).

Well-nigh fungi are multicellular organisms. They display 2 distinct morphological stages: the vegetative and reproductive. The vegetative stage consists of a tangle of slender thread-like structures called hyphae (singular, hypha ), whereas the reproductive stage tin be more conspicuous. The mass of hyphae is a mycelium. It can grow on a surface, in soil or decaying material, in a liquid, or even on living tissue. Although private hyphae must be observed under a microscope, the mycelium of a fungus tin can be very large, with some species truly being "the fungus humongous." The giant Armillaria solidipes (love mushroom) is considered the largest organism on Earth, spreading across more 2,000 acres of underground soil in eastern Oregon; it is estimated to exist at least 2,400 years old.


Case of a mycelium of a fungus: The mycelium of the fungus Neotestudina rosati tin can be pathogenic to humans. The mucus enters through a cut or scrape and develops a mycetoma, a chronic subcutaneous infection.

Virtually fungal hyphae are divided into split cells by endwalls called septa (atypical, septum) ( a, c). In virtually phyla of fungi, tiny holes in the septa let for the rapid menstruation of nutrients and small molecules from jail cell to prison cell along the hypha. They are described as perforated septa. The hyphae in bread molds (which belong to the Phylum Zygomycota) are non separated by septa. Instead, they are formed past large cells containing many nuclei, an system described equally coenocytic hyphae ( b). Fungi thrive in environments that are moist and slightly acidic; they tin can abound with or without light.


Sectionalization of hyphae into separate cells: Fungal hyphae may be (a) septated or (b) coenocytic (coeno- = "common"; -cytic = "cell") with many nuclei present in a unmarried hypha. A bright field light micrograph of (c) Phialophora richardsiae shows septa that divide the hyphae.


Like animals, fungi are heterotrophs: they use circuitous organic compounds as a source of carbon, rather than fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as exercise some bacteria and well-nigh plants. In addition, fungi do non fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Like animals, they must obtain it from their diet. However, different most animals, which ingest food and then digest it internally in specialized organs, fungi perform these steps in the opposite lodge: digestion precedes ingestion. First, exoenzymes are transported out of the hyphae, where they procedure nutrients in the environment. So, the smaller molecules produced past this external digestion are captivated through the large surface area of the mycelium. As with animal cells, the polysaccharide of storage is glycogen rather than the starch establish in plants.

Fungi are mostly saprobes (saprophyte is an equivalent term): organisms that derive nutrients from decaying organic matter. They obtain their nutrients from expressionless or decomposing organic matter, mainly plant textile. Fungal exoenzymes are able to intermission down insoluble polysaccharides, such as the cellulose and lignin of expressionless forest, into readily-absorbable glucose molecules. The carbon, nitrogen, and other elements are thus released into the environs. Considering of their varied metabolic pathways, fungi fulfill an important ecological role and are being investigated equally potential tools in bioremediation.

Some fungi are parasitic, infecting either plants or animals. Smut and Dutch elm disease affect plants, whereas athlete's foot and candidiasis (thrush) are medically important fungal infections in humans.

Fungi Reproduction

Fungi can reproduce asexually by fragmentation, budding, or producing spores, or sexually with homothallic or heterothallic mycelia.

Learning Objectives

Describe the mechanisms of sexual and asexual reproduction in fungi

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • New colonies of fungi can grow from the fragmentation of hyphae.
  • During budding, a burl forms on the side of the cell; the bud ultimately detaches after the nucleus divides mitotically.
  • Asexual spores are genetically identical to the parent and may exist released either outside or within a special reproductive sac chosen a sporangium.
  • Adverse environmental atmospheric condition often cause sexual reproduction in fungi.
  • Mycelium tin can either be homothallic or heterothallic when reproducing sexually.
  • Fungal sexual reproduction includes the post-obit iii stages: plasmogamy, karyogamy, and gametangia.

Primal Terms

  • homothallic: male and female person reproductive structures are present in the same plant or fungal mycelium
  • gametangium: an organ or cell in which gametes are produced that is found in many multicellular protists, algae, fungi, and the gametophytes of plants
  • spore: a reproductive particle, ordinarily a single jail cell, released by a fungus, alga, or constitute that may germinate into another
  • sporangium: a case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced by an organism
  • karyogamy: the fusion of two nuclei within a cell
  • plasmogamy: stage of sexual reproduction joining the cytoplasm of two parent mycelia without the fusion of nuclei


Fungi reproduce sexually and/or asexually. Perfect fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually, while imperfect fungi reproduce only asexually (by mitosis).

In both sexual and asexual reproduction, fungi produce spores that disperse from the parent organism by either floating on the current of air or hitching a ride on an fauna. Fungal spores are smaller and lighter than found seeds. The giant puffball mushroom bursts open up and releases trillions of spores. The huge number of spores released increases the likelihood of landing in an environment that will support growth.


The release of fungal spores: The (a) giant puff ball mushroom releases (b) a cloud of spores when it reaches maturity.

Asexual Reproduction

Fungi reproduce asexually past fragmentation, budding, or producing spores. Fragments of hyphae tin can abound new colonies. Mycelial fragmentation occurs when a fungal mycelium separates into pieces with each component growing into a separate mycelium. Somatic cells in yeast form buds. During budding (a blazon of cytokinesis), a burl forms on the side of the jail cell, the nucleus divides mitotically, and the bud ultimately detaches itself from the mother cell.

The most common mode of asexual reproduction is through the formation of asexual spores, which are produced past one parent only (through mitosis) and are genetically identical to that parent. Spores permit fungi to expand their distribution and colonize new environments. They may exist released from the parent thallus, either outside or within a special reproductive sac called a sporangium.


Types of fungal reproduction: Fungi may employ both asexual and sexual stages of reproduction; sexual reproduction often occurs in response to adverse ecology conditions.

At that place are many types of asexual spores. Conidiospores are unicellular or multicellular spores that are released direct from the tip or side of the hypha. Other asexual spores originate in the fragmentation of a hypha to form unmarried cells that are released equally spores; some of these have a thick wall surrounding the fragment. Yet others bud off the vegetative parent cell. Sporangiospores are produced in a sporangium.


Release of spores from a sporangium: This bright field calorie-free micrograph shows the release of spores from a sporangium at the terminate of a hypha called a sporangiophore. The organism depicted is a Mucor sp. fungus: a mold oftentimes found indoors.

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction introduces genetic variation into a population of fungi. In fungi, sexual reproduction often occurs in response to adverse environmental weather condition. Ii mating types are produced. When both mating types are present in the same mycelium, it is called homothallic, or self-fertile. Heterothallic mycelia require 2 different, but compatible, mycelia to reproduce sexually.

Although there are many variations in fungal sexual reproduction, all include the following three stages. Showtime, during plasmogamy (literally, "wedlock or spousal relationship of cytoplasm"), 2 haploid cells fuse, leading to a dikaryotic stage where two haploid nuclei coexist in a single cell. During karyogamy ("nuclear marriage"), the haploid nuclei fuse to grade a diploid zygote nucleus. Finally, meiosis takes identify in the gametangia (singular, gametangium) organs, in which gametes of unlike mating types are generated. At this stage, spores are disseminated into the surroundings.


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