
How To Rid Snails In Garden

If you have a garden, you probably have pests. Although there is an ample selection of pesticides, you may not want to spray poison on your plants. This article will give you step-by-step instructions on how to naturally get rid of unwanted pests.

Snails are one of the most destructive creatures in a garden. But don't worry, there is a way to get rid of them. Most people say to track them down and pour salt on them, but this is neither humane nor effective. Others also tend to feed them slug pellets, which are poisonous and eventually eaten by birds. To rid your garden of slime trails, follow these simple steps.

  1. Bury a small to medium-sized bowl in the ground near your plants.
  2. Fill the bowl with beer.
  3. Leave the beer there overnight and clean it out in the morning.

Why This Works

Snails are attracted to the scent of beer and milk. You can choose to use milk if you like, but I find that it isn't as effective and is much more disgusting to clean out afterward. The snails will go to the bowl and drink the beer. While they are under the influence, they will drown in the beer.

For Potted Plants

If you have potted plants that are being damaged by snails, simply rub Vaseline on the outside and rim of the pot. The snails won't be able to climb up the pot and your plants will be safe.

Moles can be very destructive in a garden.  Get them out while you still can!

Moles can be very destructive in a garden. Get them out while you still can!

Moles, ground squirrels, voles, and other rodents like these can tear up a whole garden overnight. In order to prevent them from invading, follow these steps.

  1. Dig holes in the ground about six inches deep and four inches wide.
  2. Place empty, plastic soda bottles (or glass bottles, but plastic is less dangerous) in the holes and bury them so that about one to two inches are exposed.

Others suggest setting traps at the entrances to their holes. Most of the time, you will be able to relocate them safely this way, but there is a chance that you might put them in danger. Also, they live in groups, so you would have to trap and relocate many of them over time.

Why This Works

Rodents will hear the wind blowing over the tops of the bottles and it will scare them out of making their home in your garden. This is much more humane than killing the poor things. They will naturally relocate to a quieter place.

Aphids can take over a plant quickly. To get rid of the ones already on your plants, spray them with high-pressure water. To prevent them in the future, follow these steps.

  1. Gently wash your plants with a hose.
  2. Mix one quart of water with two tbsp of canola oil and three drops of soap.
  3. Put the mixture into a spray bottle and spray your plants.
  4. Put ladybugs in your garden.

Why This Works

Ladybugs defend your garden against aphids. You can set a ladybug nettle (a group of their eggs) somewhere in your garden. They will eat up to 5,000 aphids per year and will continue to reproduce, protecting your garden for life.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Nicole on April 06, 2015:

It's kind of gross but a guaranteed way to get rid of ground hogs which can do incredible amounts of damage to gardens and yards. Once you locate the entrance to the den you have a gentlemen umm relieve himself... in a disposable container, seceral times. The more the better. You can than allow your 100% natural repellent to ferment for a few days and than pour it in the hole during the day when they aren't in the den. They have very very sensitive noses and will NOT stay in den that smells like a port a potty...

Brittany Kennedy (author) from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii on January 15, 2012:

Thanks for reading, Sunnie! (And for the follow.) It's so important to make sure not to use harmful chemicals around your chickens. I hope these tips help. :)

Sunnie Day on January 15, 2012:

Thank you Brittany,

I have chickens so I have to be careful what I put on the ground. They are free range..thank you for the tips.


Brittany Kennedy (author) from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii on November 23, 2011:

Aspects, I'm sorry the bottle tip can't help you. Thanks for reading!

Aspects of Life from London, UK on November 23, 2011:

Thanks for answering my question about stopping cats and squirrels from digging up my plants. The tips on keeping pests out of the garden are really useful. I have a container garden so unfortunately I don't think the tips on rodents and moles will work for me, but this is a great Hub.

Brittany Kennedy (author) from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii on October 31, 2011:

I agree! Thank you.

Derdriu on October 31, 2011:

BrittanyTodd: Thank you for your concern over the ways which pesticides can affect the environment when and after they are applied. It seems so labor saving to let nature do its job, through beneficials such as bees, butterflies and ladybugs.

Voted up, and all categories too,


How To Rid Snails In Garden


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